Monday, March 8, 2010

New Sleeping Pattern Tests

I for the majority of my life averaged no more than 4 hours a night of sleep and tried for no less than 3. 3 was not always successful, but very very rarely did I ever sleep more than 4. Now, at this point in my life, I have a very confused sleep pattern and am looking to start the search for a healthier and easier to obtain pattern.
The following are my new attempt to create a new sleeping pattern, giving myself an extra hour for falling asleep and waking: All options average 133 waking hours and 35 sleeping hours or 19 hours awake per day and 5 hours asleep
w=Wake & s=sleep
Option 1: Option 2: Option 3:
Sun-w7:30am w7:30am s2:30am s7:30am w12:30pm
Mon-s9:30pm w7:30am s2:30am s7:30am w12:30pm
Tue-w7:30am w7:30am s2:30am s7:30am w12:30pm
Wed-s9:30pm w7:30am s2:30am s7:30am w12:30pm
Thu-w7:30am w7:30am s2:30am s7:30am w12:30pm
Fri-s9:30pm w7:30am s2:30am s7:30am w12:30pm
Sat-w7:30am s2:30am w7:30am s2:30am s7:30am w12:30pm

I know that this seems as an odd Task to undertake being that most people are able to find a natural pattern, but that has always seem to eluded me. So, this is my attempt to finally find a schedule that my body and mind might finally agree upon. I will be starting with option 1 as of yesterday being the 7th of March 2010. I woke at 7:30am and will not go to sleep until 9:30pm tonight (should not be a problem, but funny how went you want to stay awake you can't and vise versa). After completing one week of each schedule I will move to the next option. If an option fails from being unable to keep to it, I will sleep any pattern for remainder of week and begin next option on the next Sunday. I will try to make sure I document how I feel and what observations of abilities and overall capacities I find. Bases for measuring capabilities will be to do my alphabet forward and reverse and keep track of average time as well as other consistent tests to mark my abilities. These task will also include physical requirements. Wish me luck and I know I will have fun, cause I have fun anytime I take on new crazy ass en devours. These are the times when I envisage myself to be a real scientist.

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