Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Scared or am I a chicken

While on a visit to New Hampshire last week, I met a lovely young lady. From across the Restaurant I saw her and was instantly taken. Now let me make it clear that I find many woman attractive in this world, but very rarely does somebody make my heart skip a bit. I was with my Brother and His wife and made a comment to my brother about it. I never have had issues with meeting very nice women, but for over a year I have not had any that made a spark. I have found some very interesting and enjoyable but really only know them from a computer contact stance. This, now this was different for me. Awhile later my brother and I stepped out for some fresh air (a.k.a. smoke), and out comes the before mentioned woman. My brother simply looked at me and said "On that note I will see you in a little while". I knew he expected me to finally try to talk to her. Nervous at first being that she was with several friends I proceeded to speak to all of them. Quickly it became a conversation for mostly the two of us (careful to not exclude others, but them making the move to make it her and I). So as the night progressed we talked about many many things and I found myself completely in a trance by this woman. Amazingly beautiful, funny, smart, and successful at what she does. We found that we had many common enjoyments (especially the Red Sox's). As the night continued found ourselves just letting go to the evening. I had so much fun (also found myself staring into the eyes of somebody I would really like to get to know better). When the night was coming to a close I got her number and asked If she would like to have dinner that Wednesday. She agreed and I walked she and her friends to the care, as they all were teasing her and calling me Eye Candy (which obviously I took to be very complimentary). I kissed her goodnight- a move I never make when just meeting somebody. I went to my Brothers house and hung out for the remainder of the night unable to stop thinking about her.
The next day we were texting and speaking on the phone numerous times. The connection I was feeling was one that I am unfamiliar with. Enjoyable and scary at the same time. The next day, being Monday, she had work and then called me to ask if I were in my Hotel room and if she could come say hi. Of course, excited by the chance to see her again, I said yes. She came by while on her way to the gym and ended up spending over an hour with me just talking. She had to let me know that her Job was sending her to DC for the rest of the week the next day and would have to reschedule the dinner night. She would be returning Friday night but I was leaving Thursday night to return home for doctors appointments. Understandably canceled I was still excited that we had another chance to see one another before I left.
We have spoken and texted each other every day since and speak on the phone every night. Very few people do I desire talking to on the phone, but it is something I look forward to every night. I can't help but call her beautiful all the time (example: Hey Beautiful, not just telling her she is beautiful. I use it more like a name) and she calls me Sweetie and Sexy. Its funny thought, I am so scared that I am really starting to like her, and worried that it might not be the same. Why? I don't know. The calling me every night and sweet names should make me confident, but I am so scared of getting some how hurt I am feeling like running away. My heart is saying just see what happens and my head keeps saying what the hell are you doing. Going on only two weeks, I am not saying that I am in Love or anything, but I am definitely finding myself unable to stop thinking about her.
Why is it that I feel the urge to jump ship before its even hit an Iceberg and sinking? Why can't I just stop thinking and let what will happen happen? I just need to get out of my own head and way and trust the Lord to show me if this is right or wrong. I need to trust that if she finds herself not interested that she will just be open and honest and tell me.
I will tell you though, she is pretty darn awesome so far. My heart still skips a beat just from her calling and texting me, and when I kissed her and hugged her it felt like time managed to just stop and my heart stopped along with it. I can't wait to have some time to get back up there and finally have a real date night. I have never had such anxiety in meeting somebody and excitement at what may lay ahead. I have for a very long time always viewed my dating experiences as making a new friend. Almost all of the women I have dated are very close friends and I've been the guy to simply show them how a man is to treat a woman (not trying to sound conceded, but most men have forgotten that being a gentleman is what makes a real man). This woman on the other hand makes me think that maybe I am not destined to be alone. I'm not saying that it is her, but at least I see real possibility.

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