Sunday, December 13, 2009

What is it all for?

Have you ever just found yourself looking at your life, and feel like screaming from disappointment at what it is? Lately that is a common occurrence. I have little ability to do most things physically that I once enjoyed, or that even is necessary. I try so hard to push through the pain, but can never accomplish much of anything. I'm treated by almost everybody as if I am crippled. I wish they would realize that it isn't that I am crippled, but that I simply have challenges that slow me down. That isn't to say though that I can't eventually succeed if I keep at it.
I have such difficulty sometimes dealing with the fact that my body won't release me from the pain. As time progresses my body seems to just become more difficult to use. I wonder why this has happened, but then come to the conclusion that there might not ever be an answer. THAT SUCKS, but life was never promised to be a constant joy ride.
I do know that I will never let my joy for life be taken. We are given this short, fragile, and precious gift for "LIVING". It is not given to be wasted away just complaining and never attempting to make it better. I don't care how many times we are knocked down, stand back up, shake off the dirt and move forward.

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