Friday, March 19, 2010

It's been awhile

So, I have been thinking to myself how quickly time goes by and how as a kid you never understood what your parents meant by time flies. Sucks. As a kid people would say that they slept wrong and I would always think, what kind of idiot screws up sleeping. Now I realize I am one of those idiots. Time Flies by and 10 years ago feels like yesterday, and now I can agree with them. It sucks getting older, but at least I look good doing it :}. Well, I hope that who ever might be reading this is having a wonderful time and that their life is treating them to beauty and lots of love.


  1. That is so funny! "What kind of idiot screws up sleeping"!? lol I love it. Time really does fly and it kind of scares me.

  2. My oldest is 5 and it seems like i just had her. Time really does fly. I am trying to enjoy every day though, so I don't feel like a miss to much.
