Friday, February 26, 2010

Sleep is so elusive

Oh my goodness gracious. No matter what I try I can not get past this pain enough to get any sleep. I am truly starting to feel a bit disconnected from myself and am starting to become a little worried that exhaustion will get the best of me and make me worse for the ware. Not that I can imagine to much more that my body can do to me to make me feel any worse. But, as I always say. I am alive so automatically it is a good day and I have the Lord in my heart so it becomes an even better day. I am just asking that any and all of you please pray that the Lord might allow a small amount of rest. At least enough so that I may escape this feeling of insanity.

1 comment:

  1. Not being able to sleep is such a frustrating feeling! I hope you were finally able to nod off. It sounds like you have a good attitude and faith. Those can get you through anything!
